As someone that isn't the biggest fan of rap or listens to it that often, hearing JPEGMafia was an interesting playlist to listen to. The three songs that stood out to me the most were the songs that were produced by JPEGMafia. These songs are "Thug Tears", "Man Purse", and "Llama Mind (feat. Hemlock Ernst". These songs, after listening and reviewing them, have a lot of ambient noise and sound effects throughout the songs. The production of these songs very experimental and I was more focused on the background noise than the lyrics themselves.

      The first song that I listened to was "Thug Tears", the first sounds that you hear is some sort crackling and sounds like the audio is being reversed. This effect lasts up to 20-30 seconds where then the audio reverts to normal. The crackling continues throughout the rest of the song, sounding like someone is shaking a pepper shaker next my ear. The vocalists sound robotic, sort of auto tuned, and every once in a while a heavy bass will pop in distorting the music and cutting it out for a second.

            "Man Purse" has the same bass effect as well but its not as noticeable. There is a lot more white noise and there is this weird effect where it sounds like the chorus is made to sound echoed. It almost sounds haunting or other worldly. This also incorporates audio sound bytes extracted from other pieces of media and gun shots. This is mostly to add more to what the artist is saying since "Man Purse" is a piece that dives heavily into politics  making several references to Donald Trump and with some commentary of the Left and Right. "Llama Mind" is another example of incorporating other pieces of audio and follows the beat throughout the song. Most of the audio consists using phone sound effects. There is a lot of high pitch noise in the background, which over time, I found a bit annoying. It sounded like a dog whistle was going off and just kept getting louder as the track progressed. There's also the use of people's voices being cut, repeated. and pitch shifting to match with the rhythm of beat.
               JPEGMafia's songs are very experimental and plays a lot with audio effects and white noise. It's interesting how at "Thug Tears" and "Man Purse" have lyrics in their songs but "Llama Mind" relies more on noise to speak it's message.


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